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WW II Research

Page history last edited by Katherine Powell 13 years, 7 months ago

The library recommends many resources for your WWII research.  If you find more we should include, please let us know.



Search the library catalog for books and evaluated websites.  Login (top right corner of catalog, username=ID#, password = last name) for access to the websites.

For general books about World War II, search World War 1939-1945 as the subject.

 To find a book on the shelf note availability, call number and title.  The nonfiction books are in the room closest to the quad.


A great place to start your research is with one of our World War II encyclopedias (these list WWII events in ABC order).  These encyclopedias are in the Reference room starting at call number REF 940.53.


Unsure of how  to cite your book or reference book?  Take a look at the examples on our bibliography helpers.

Or try Noodletools.




First, you will need to login to the subscription databases using the username and password on the back of your ID card.  


You might consider using World Book Online for its authoritative signed articles complete with citations.  Most articles also have photos. This will give good overview information as well as primary sources.


 Proquest is our premiere  history database provider. The databases we subscribe to include the History Study Center, SIRS Decades, and the Historical Newspapers. All will have information on WWII.  Much of the information is primary source.  


At this time SIRS Decades and the  Historical Newspapers do not provide preformatted citations.  Here is an example of an MLA formatted citation for both databases.


Truman, Harry S. "Truman Recalls MacArthur." National Archives and Records Administration

       11 April 1951. SIRS Decades. ProQuest. PHS Lib., Poway, CA. 3 March 2009 <http://decades.sirs.com/>.


Crounse, L. L. "The Great Battle of Sunday." New York Times 5 May 1863: 8. ProQuest Historical

       Newspapers. ProQuest. PHS Lib., Poway, CA. 1 Dec. 2008 <http://hn.bigchalk.com>. 


ABC-CLIO databases are another excellent source of WW II information. There are 3 databases you might try:  American History, World at War, and World History: The Modern Era.


EBSCO  has a History database complete with MLA citations.


Salem History database is a group of reference books uploaded to the web.  There are many primary documents and MLA citations as well.


Gale databases allows you to do a powersearch across 5 databases at once. Narrow down your results by looking at the Subject headings or doing an Advanced Search with boolean logic.


Discovery Education is a digital media site which contains many, many pictures as well as video clips, complete with MLA citations.  To access it you will need to type in username = phs.lrc,  password = phs.lrc.


NBC Learn Trial This is a site that includes video resources, primary sources, historic footage, images, mini-documentaries and text resources designed for use in the K-12 classroom.  We have it on trial through March.  Sign in using powayhs@powaysud.com as the email address.  The password is gogreen.  

Facts On File Trial  Four databases including  American History Online, Modern World History and Issues & Controversies in American History.  Login with the username and password on the back of your ID card.  We are previewing these along with the other high schools in the district.  Let us know what you think about Facts On File, click on the Survey button.


Internet Resources

  Use the blue bibliography helpers to site websites.



"German soldiers during the assault on Stalingrad." IRC. 2005.
Discovery Education. 11 March 2009

"Fighter vapour trails crisscross the London sky."  6 September 1940.  Hulton/Getty Archive. BBC. 3 March 2009 <http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/battle_of_britain_01.shtml>


 Yamahata, Yosuke. "Nagasaki Journey: 6." 10 Aug. 1945. Remembering Nagasaki. 12 March 2009. <http://www.exploratorium.edu/nagasaki/journey/journey6.html>.







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